FASEP RASE.2124.T: High-Performance Moto-Inverter Tubeless Tyre/Tire Changer - Made In Italy

FASEP RASE.2124.T: High-Performance Moto-Inverter Tubeless Tyre/Tire Changer - Made In Italy

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FASEP RASE.2124.T: High-Performance Moto-Inverter Tubeless Tyre/Tire Changer - Made In Italy


Elevate your tyre-changing experience with the RASE.2124.T, a Moto-Inverter Tubeless Tyre Changer delivering precision, efficiency, and reliability for Car, Vans, SUVs, and Light Trucks.

Lead time: 4-6weeks

Availability: In stock
Reward Points Earning 407 SharkEye Bucks for this item
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RASE.2124 is a super automatic tyre/tire changer for passenger car and motorcycle wheels with rims up to 24” with
adjustable wheel clamps. It combines reliability and solidity outperforming all competition. A full set of accessories allows to operate on low profile tyres/tires with absolute ease.






