IBEX Mobile Computerised Wheel Aligner - IBMCWA - SharkEye Wheel Aligners

IBEX Mobile Computerised Wheel Aligner - IBMCWA

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IBEX Mobile Computerised Wheel Aligner - IBMCWA


SharkEye Ibex is our class-leading digital computer aligner which comes in its own easy-carry assault rifle case. It is, quite simply, the best aligner of its kind in the world.

Availability: In stock
Reward Points Earning 750 SharkEye Bucks for this item
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SharkEye Ibex is our class-leading digital computer aligner which comes in its own easy-carry assault rifle case. It is, quite simply, the best aligner of its kind in the world.

Forensically accurate, portable and it doesn’t take up much space. The Ibex is a must-have for any mobile tyre / tire fitter out and about under time pressure doing multiple jobs on cars, vans, SUVs, buses and light trucks.


 Wheel Aligner